The PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) scheme of work has been developed using Hampshire County Council guidelines, advice from the PSHE Association and our understanding of the needs of our children. The planned PSHE programme is taught weekly, by the class teacher, through other curriculum areas (e.g. Science and ICT) and within the whole school ethos.

PSHE is delivered through a range of teaching styles which include:

  • circle time
  • group discussions
  • drama
  • problem solving
  • stories

The aims of PSHE are to enable children to:

  • know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle (e.g. the benefits of physical activity, rest, healthy eating and dental health)
  • be aware of safety issues (including road safety, the correct use of medicines and online safety)
  • understand what makes for good relationships with others
  • have respect for others
  • be an independent and responsible member of our school community
  • develop self-confidence and self-esteem enabling them to make informed choices
  • be positive and active members of the wider community (e.g. what improves and harms their local environment)

Everyone Will Achieve their Best.

small tree

small leaves

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During our Autumn Term we had a visit from the Scarf Mobile Classroom. This was an exciting and interactive way to launch our ‘Scarf’ PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum for the year in school across all key stages.

The sessions were fun, engaging and memorable- meeting Harold the Giraffe puppet (Healthy Harold) and friends! The children engaged in some thoughtful discussions and we challenged misconceptions.

We had the opportunity to watch short films about healthy eating, legal and illegal drugs and their effects, the body and how it works, friendships and their influence and how choices and behaviours can affect dreams and aspirations.

It was a fantastic way to engage our enthusiasm for PSHE for the coming year!

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If you have any questions about our PSHE Curriculum, including how we teach Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) please speak in the first instance to your child’s teacher. Our RSE Policy is available here.

Year R coverage

Year 1 coverage

Year 2 coverage

Year 3 coverage

Year 4 coverage

Year 5 coverage

Year 6 coverage