Wrap-around Care

Wrap-around Care

At Trosnant Schools we are pleased to offer parents access to wrap-around childcare from 7.40am until 6pm.

In the morning children can attend our own Breakfast Club provision, and after school, as well as our extra-curricular provision (clubs), we work in partnership with Tops Day Nursery, located on our site, and Barncroft Primary School, located a few minutes’ drive away, to provide after school care. All provision is OFSTED registered and all providers are currently rated as ‘good’.

Full details of all offers are below, and please contact our school office if you have further questions, or want to discuss registering your child.

Our school offer an Early Bird Club that runs from 7.40am – 8.30am each morning for a cost of £3 a day per child. It is bookable and payable in advance electronically through Arbor. Parents can drop their children off at school early knowing that they will be looked after by our team of dedicated breakfast club staff. Children can have a breakfast, talk with their friends, play games, draw or read quietly.  When school opens at 8.30am our breakfast club staff are on hand to make toast for any child that may have arrived at school hungry, this is delivered to class.

Please contact the office if you would like your child to attend the Early Bird Club and they will explain what you need to do.

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Havant Tops Day Nursery offer after school care for our Infant School Children at their nursery on our site.  This runs from the end of the school day until 6.00pm. The children are collected by Tops staff from our school reception area.

Full details of the provision are available from Tops but the cost is £7.20 per hour and a free fruit snack is included within this price. The cost of the childcare is worked out on 15 minute increments and so if you collected your child within 25 minutes, the charge would be worked out for a 30 minute session, so for example £3.60. An optional tea can be ordered for your child also at an additional cost of £3.76.

To book a place for your child please contact the nursery direct on 023 9248 1101 and select option 3.

We have also joined up with Barncroft Primary to provide after school care called ‘Night Owls’ This operates until 6pm each evening and caters for Infant and Junior pupils. There are two prices for this. Children can stay until 4.30pm for the price of £3.00 without a snack or can stay until 6.00pm for £8.50 per session. Children staying after 4.30pm will also be provided with a snack such as soup and a roll, sandwiches, beans on toast. Barncroft is located a few minutes drive away  and can offer a pick up service from Trosnant by minibus. If you are interested in booking a place, please contact our school office initially.