Our Governors work in partnership with the Executive Head Teacher, to achieve the common goal that “everybody will achieve their best.”
Governors always act as a collective body and always at a strategic level, and together with the Senior Leadership Team they play a vital role in the schools leadership.
Our Governing Body:
- sets the strategic direction of the school
- agrees the targets and principles for school improvement
- are responsible for the financial management of the school
- monitor and evaluate the schools work against the school improvement plan
- ensure there is accountability on every decision that affects the schools performance.
The Governing Body meet twice each half term and these meetings alternate between a ‘standards’ focus and a ‘resources’ focus. In addition the governing body has a committees for staff pay decisions and a panel for the head teacher’s performance management. Committees for appeals, complaints and disciplinary matters are constituted as required. The governing body works in partnership with the governing body of Barncroft Primary School, to ensure such committees are quorate and impartial.
The Governors, Head Teacher and Staff work together to create an environment in which the children are happy and want to learn.
Our Governors are DBS checked and are regularly seen supporting both day to day pupil learning and special events. However, whilst we encourage the visibility of our Governors, the day to day leadership and management of the school is delegated to the Head Teacher and Leadership Team. Governors focus is on matters related to strategy and school effectiveness.
If you wish to contact any of the Governors please telephone the school and you will be put in touch with them.
Detailed below are the Governors for Trosnant school.
Forename | Surname | Category | Appointed | Expiry |
Ralph | Cousins | Co-opted | 04/09/2023 | 03/09/2027 |
Jan | Coomber | Co-opted | 27/09/2023 | 26/09/2027 |
Lisa | Finch | Staff | 15/04/2024 | 14/04/2028 |
Keith | Grover | Parent | 14/04/2024 | 13/04/2028 |
Senne | James | Co-opted – Pay Committee Chair | 01/02/2023 | 31/01/2027 |
Antigoni | Moss | Parent – Vice Chair | 13/11/2023 | 12/11/2027 |
Janice | Paul | Co-opted | 26/01/2022 | 25/01/2025 |
Rosemary | Sherwood | Chairperson | 07/07/2021 |
06/07/2025 |
David | Thornbury | Co-opted | 07/12/2023 | 06/12/2027 |
Michael | Turner | Clerk | 01/01/2013 | |
Ian | Waine | Head Teacher | 25/11/2014 |
Governing Body Diversity Data
Gender | Was this your gender at birth? | Age | What is your ethnicity? | Do you consider yourself to have a disability or health condition? | What is your sexual orientation? | What is your religion? | Do you have caring responsibilities? If yes please let us know who for |
Male | Yes | 35-39 | British | No | Heterosexual | No religion or belief | None; |
Female | Yes | 55-59 | English | No | Heterosexual | Christian | None; |
Female | Yes | 60-64 | British | No | Heterosexual | Christian | None; |
Female | Yes | 25-29 | English | No | Heterosexual | Christian | Primary carer of a child/children (under 18); |
Female | Yes | 45-49 | English | No | Heterosexual | No religion or belief | Primary carer of a child/children (under 18); |
Male | Yes | 50-54 | British | No | Heterosexual | Christian | None; |
Male | Yes | Prefer not to say | Prefer not to say | No | Prefer not to say | Prefer not to say | None; |
Female | Yes | 35-39 | English | No | Heterosexual | Christian | Primary carer of a child/children (under 18); |
Female | Yes | 45-49 | Prefer not to say | No | Heterosexual | Christian | Primary carer of a child/children (under 18); |
Female | Yes | 25-29 | English | No | Heterosexual | Christian | Primary carer of a child/children (under 18); |
Female | Yes | 60-64 | English | No | Heterosexual | Christian | Primary carer of older person ; |
Click here for the attendance of Governors at meetings for the previous year
Financial Information
The Federation does not have any employees with a gross annual salary of more than £100,000 per year.
Click here for a link to the Pecuniary Interests for our Governing Body
Click here for a link to the Financial Benchmarking Site