

At the Federation of Trosnant Schools we place a high importance on attendance and fully believe in ‘everybody in school, on time, every day’.

Research shows there is a clear link between good school attendance from an early age, with success later in life at GCSE study, university and during careers.

OFSTED suggest that attendance should be a minimum of 96%. 

School Opening Hours

The school is open from 8.30am and registration is at 8.45am. Learning activities are provided from 8.30am and this gives a calm start to the day as staff are able to settle the children and speak to parents about ant worries or concerns. Children are late if they arrive after 8.45am. School closes at 3.15pm.

In accordance with government policy, from September 2015, Hampshire County Council introduced new measures for dealing with unauthorised absences.  In particular they brought in fines across the county where a child’s unauthorised absence was 10 sessions (5 days) or more in a 10 week period. Fines have been set at £60 per parent, per child.  Hampshire County Council have issued an information leaflet about the penalty notices and it can be viewed hereParents should be aware that a late arrival after 9am will be marked as an unauthorised session for the morning.

Our Headteacher is required to follow the local authority policy in respect of authorising absence and issuing penalty notices where applicable.

We aim to work in close partnership with families to ensure all our children have good attendance. Further information is available on the Hampshire Education Website.

There are also guidelines available online around school behaviour and exclusions

If you need help with, or are worried about, your child’s attendance please contact the office and ask to speak to one of our Family Support Workers, who can offer advice and support.

You can also find useful information on attendance and managing illness on this government managing illness blog – click here

Attendance Letter from our Family Support Team

LP Schools – Joint Statement – Attendance Jan 2024

The table below details attendance across the school for the last week and cumulative for the current school year. 

Infant School Week Ending – 28.06.2024 Year to date Junior School Week Ending – 28.06.2024 Year to date
93.9%  93.65% 93.9% 93%

Parents can ask the school office for their child’s attendance record and the schools will contact families where attendance becomes a concern.

Well done to all our pupils whose attendance is at least 96% or better!    


Attendance Links 

Absence Reporting Procedures

Absence Request Procedures

Absence Request Form